Prizes & Sponsors
2021 Sponsors
With the help of our sponsors and donations from each burger sale, the Dawson City Burger Bonanza raised $1748 for the Dawson Food Bank.

Northern Vision Development generously matched buger sales donations dollar for dollar! Yukon Energy made a big-hearted donation of $500 to the food bank on behalf of Burger Bonanza, and CIBC Dawson also donated $200.

We also want to shout out to all the participating kitchens—Bonanza Market, Downtown Hotel, Lil J’s, Big Al’s Concession, Pan of Gold and The Drunken Goat for donating one dollar from every burger sold to the Dawson Food Bank!

Thanks to our fabulous sponsors Northern Vision Development, Dominion Gas in Dawson City, and Yukon Brewing for making our Yukon staycation prize awesome!
Thanks to PR Services for putting together our website!
Want to get involved next year as a sponsor? It’s easy! Email if you’d like to make a matching donation to the Dawson City Food Bank on behalf of Burger Bonanza, or if you’d like to contribute to our grand prize. Click here to find out how your restaurant can participate!
2021 Grand Prize!
This year’s awesome grand prize was a three night stay in Whitehorse at the Gold Rush Inn, 100 bucks towards gas, plus a Yukon Brewing tour for two, redeemable once tours safely resume!